Powered by Loading Icons: Animatable Vector Icon Library
© this icon is released under Loading.io BY License.
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from Loading.io Animated Icon Library
PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor (or simply PHP) is a general-purpose programming language originally designed for web development. It was originally created by Rasmus Lerdorf in 1994; the PHP reference implementation is now produced by The PHP Group. PHP originally stood for Personal Home Page, but it now stands for the recursive initialism PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor.PHP code may be executed with a command line interface (CLI), embedded into HTML code, or used in combination with various web template systems, web content management systems, and web frameworks. PHP code is usually processed by a PHP interpreter implemented as a module in a web server or as a Common Gateway Interface (CGI) executable. The web server outputs the results of the interpreted and executed PHP code, which may be any type of data, such as generated HTML code or binary image data. PHP can be used for many programming tasks outside of the web context, such as standalone graphical applications and robotic drone control.The standard PHP interpreter, powered by the Zend Engine, is free software released under the PHP License. PHP has been widely ported and can be deployed on most web servers on almost every operating system and platform, free of charge.The PHP language evolved without a written formal specification or standard until 2014, with the original implementation acting as the de facto standard which other implementations aimed to follow. Since 2014, work has gone on to create a formal PHP specification.As of September 2019, over 60% of sites on the web using PHP are still on discontinued/"EOLed" version 5.6 or older; versions prior to 7.1 are no longer officially supported by The PHP Development Team, but security support is provided by third parties, such as Debian.
— adopted from wikipedia, "php", available under CC BY-SA License.
customizable icon library built for animation
Loading.io's icon library provides thousands of icons that are all customizable and animatable. You can choose up to 100+ animations and apply to any icons you picked to generate customized images with various formats including GIF, SVG, APNG, PNG sequence, Lottie, MP4 and WebM.
When using in static form, most icons in Loading.io's icon library are released under CC-BY License, which can be used freely with attribution.
Loading icons are designed to be animated. We provide a handy collection of animation presets for you to apply on the icons you need, and generate the animation in desired format.
Animations can be customized and applied to single element of icons, making your design subtle and unique comparing to others.
Any questions or suggestion? Feel free to leave comment here. :)
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Service for making ajax loaders / loading gifs / preloaders and animated icons, live background, animated text in GIF / SVG / APNG / CSS.