This service is meant to be used to generate image assets and resources ( the items ) that could be used in different projects and websites. To make it easier and more clear how you can use the items, we provide licenses along with the items that are available to you.
While some of the items might be too simple to declare copyright, these licenses are both for using the items and our software. Thus, to use and any item from it, you should follow the rules of each license, such as, by paying or making attribution before using.
Once you acquired the license, you can use the items downloaded from freely with exceptions of certain condition. Please check the limitation section for more information about the exceptions.
Currently there are 4 different licenses:
With Free license ( LD-FREE / FREE / Free License ), items are dedicated to the public domain by waiving all our right worldwide under copyright law. You can use items under LD-FREE freely for any purpose. No attribution is required.
Assets relesed under BY License ( LD-BY / BY / BY License ) are free to use if you attribute to properly. To attribute, just add a link ( for using in websites ) or credit text ( for using in slide or video ) to
Here is an example of attribution:
You may also pay to remove attribution for the items released under BY License; in this situation, you get the Pro License.
A price comes along with items released under Pro License ( LD-PRO / PRO / Pro License ). By paying with that price, you get the use right of specific items, and is attribution free.
Price for an items might be different time to time due to discount, items packs or other reason.
Additionally, for subscribed pro users, you get this license each time when you download items during your pro period.
this service also provides open source software libraries for developers. Unless described explicitly, these libraries are all released under MIT License.
Before using any of them, however, please still check their documentation or code repository to confirm the license again.
You can use proper licensed items freely except following cases:
We prohibit a directly resell, or provide as free, of downloaded items from our service.
Selling your own work with downloaded items from is allowed if the items are not the main body of your work but to increase the value of your work. For example, use downloaded items in following purposes are allowed:
Following cases are not allowed:
If you are not sure, please contact us directly.
It's not allowed to use our items to build a website, app or any kind of service that serves for similar purpose of
We don't allow programmatically scraping of our contents except for following cases:
We don't have API yet but if you really need something like this, you can contact us to make feature request. is brought to you by:
PlotDB Ltd. / 見聞科技有限公司 VAT No. 52518929
Service for making ajax loaders / loading gifs / preloaders and animated icons, live background, animated text in GIF / SVG / APNG / CSS.