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from Loading.io Animated Icon Library
A chapel is a Christian place of prayer and worship that is usually relatively small, and is distinguished from a church. The term has several senses. Firstly, smaller spaces inside a church that have their own altar are often called chapels; the Lady chapel is a common type of these. Secondly, a chapel is a place of worship, sometimes non-denominational, that is part of a building or complex with some other main purpose, such as a school, college, hospital, palace or large aristocratic house, castle, barracks, prison, funeral home, cemetery, airport, or a military or commercial ship. Thirdly, chapels are small places of worship, built as satellite sites by a church or monastery, for example in remote areas; these are often called a chapel of ease. A feature of all these types is that often no clergy were permanently resident or specifically attached to the chapel. Finally, for historical reasons, chapel is also often the term used for independent or nonconformist places of worship in Great Britain—outside the established church, even where in practice they operate as a parish church.The earliest Christian places of worship are now often referred to as chapels, as they were not dedicated buildings but rather a dedicated chamber within a building. Most larger churches had one or more secondary altars which, if they occupied a distinct space, would often be called a chapel. In Russian Orthodox tradition, the chapels were built underneath city gates, where most people could visit them. The most famous example is the Iberian Chapel.
— adopted from wikipedia, "chapel", available under CC BY-SA License.
customizable icon library built for animation
Loading.io's icon library provides thousands of icons that are all customizable and animatable. You can choose up to 100+ animations and apply to any icons you picked to generate customized images with various formats including GIF, SVG, APNG, PNG sequence, Lottie, MP4 and WebM.
When using in static form, most icons in Loading.io's icon library are released under CC-BY License, which can be used freely with attribution.
Loading icons are designed to be animated. We provide a handy collection of animation presets for you to apply on the icons you need, and generate the animation in desired format.
Animations can be customized and applied to single element of icons, making your design subtle and unique comparing to others.
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Service for making ajax loaders / loading gifs / preloaders and animated icons, live background, animated text in GIF / SVG / APNG / CSS.