target audience

/Seamless repeatable background tiles in SVG / PNG / GIF / MP4
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target audience Pattern

animated, seamless repeatable background patterns for target audience

A target audience is the intended audience or readership of a publication, advertisement, or other message. In marketing and advertising, it is a particular group of consumers within the predetermined target market, identified as the targets or recipients for a particular advertisement or message. Businesses that have a wide target market will focus on a specific target audience for certain messages to send, such as The Body Shops Mother's Day advertisements, which were aimed at the children and spouses of women, rather than the whole market which would have included the women themselves.A target audience is formed from the same factors as a target market, but it is more specific, and is susceptible to influence from other factors. An example of this was the marketing of the USDA's food guide, which was intended to appeal to young people between the ages of 2 and 18. The factors they had to consider outside of the standard marketing mix included the nutritional needs of growing children, children's knowledge and attitudes regarding nutrition, and other specialized details. This reduced their target market and provided a specific target audience to focus on. Common factors for target audiences may reduce the target market to specifics such as 'men aged 20–30 years old, living in Auckland, New Zealand' rather than 'men aged 20–30 years old'. However, just because a target audience is specialized doesn't mean the message being delivered will not be of interest and received by those outside the intended demographic. Failures of targeting a specific audience are also possible, and occur when information is incorrectly conveyed. Side effects such as a campaign backfire and 'demerit goods' are common consequences of a failed campaign. Demerit goods are goods with a negative social perception, and face the repercussions of their image being opposed to commonly accepted social values.Defining the difference between a target market and a target audience comes down to the difference between marketing and advertising. In marketing, a market is targeted by business strategies, whilst advertisements and media, such as television shows, music and print media, are more effectively used to appeal to a target audience. A potential strategy to appeal to a target audience would be advertising toys during the morning children's TV programs, rather than during the evening news broadcast.

— adopted from wikipedia, "target audience", available under CC BY-SA License.


Animated repeating patterns can be used in various ways, such as in website background, or to fill HTML / SVG elements. You can also use them as slide / video background.

Here is an example of using animated pattern as background of an icon animation:

<div style="background:url(/your-pattern-url)"> <img src="your-icon-url"> </div>


All patterns can be generated in SVG / APNG / GIF formats. PNG sequence or static PNG are also available. To choose the right format for yourself, you should check the compatibility and quality of these file format before using them.


Provides the best compatibility, while big in size and low in quality. supports only up to 256 colors at most.

Supported by all browsers, even by old browser such as IE5 or Netscape.


Gives the best quality and file size but is CPU-intensive to render. Animation is more likely to lag when browser is busy

Animated SVG is not supported by IE or Edge.


Provides similar quality to SVG and is supported by most modern browsers, including Microsoft Edge.

However, its file size is proportional to image size, and isn't supported by older browser like IE.

Loading Patterns

seamless repeatable patterns built for animation

Loading Patterns is's animated pattern generator that makes tiled images for using as texture, image pattern or in backgrounds of app, video or website. It can also be used to fill shapes, icons or progress bars.

Seamless Repeatable

All background patterns generated in are seamless repeatable, either in static or animated format.

This significantly reduces the size of animated image, and is perfect for looping as background tile in any place with variant size.

Vector-based Image

Tiles are all designed based on lossless vector image format SVG with the capability to generate to other formats including GIF, PNG/APNG and PNG sequence.

SVG format keeps the highest quality of images against resizing while also optimizes the file size and possibility for flexible retouching.

svg editing

Animatable & Customizable empowers the background patterns with various types of animation which could be customized with's pattern editor.

All patterns are pre-designed but can still be customized according to your need.


All Patterns in their static form are released under BY License ( similar to CC-BY ), so you can download these free patterns and use their static form in your projects with proper attribution; additionally, we also provide pro features for building animated images. You can subscribe and upgrade to pro account to unlock the animation features, or purchase per item to unlock the features only for the item you need.

If you don't want to attribute, we also provide options for you to pay to remove attribution. To learn more about license, please check our license document.


Any questions or suggestion? Feel free to leave comment here. :)

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Service for making ajax loaders / loading gifs / preloaders and animated icons, live background, animated text in GIF / SVG / APNG / CSS.

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